Privacy Statement
The Decibel Meter Sound Detector app for iOS utilizes the device
(iPhone/iPad)'s built-in microphone to determine the level and frequency of
the detected sound, displaying it as decibels (dB) and frequency (FA). The
microphone's audio data is used to calculate dB (Decibels) / AF (Audio
Frequency) readings, which are then displayed on the device. The app also
supports polling/sharing functionality if the user prefers to use dB/AF
values for further analysis. Furthermore, no audio information is used,
transmitted, or circulated in any way. The decibel reading obtained from
this app is limited to the device's microphone capabilities and reference
dB. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this app as a high-quality,
professional-grade decibel meter. The dB/AF recording is limited to the
device's storage capacity. The dB reading obtained from this app ranges
between 20 to 100 decibels, and audible frequencies are limited to the
standard range of 20 to 16,000 Hz.
For additional information please contact